It’s been a while hasn’t it?
I honestly thought I was shouting into the void when I made this website. My intentions were to create a site that maybe an employer would look at and say “neat”, however, my brother and friend Emric revealed that they do actually look at my read my website. They’ve revitalized my efforts to update, and create more personal projects that I’m proud of. I’m writing this now because of them. I also went through quite the effort to recover the project files and access the server with my new computer, fixed a bug with the dates on the website, and removed some old information.
A lot has happened since my last post; I moved, started a new job as a System Administrator, made new friends, developed new perspectives. There is still a lot that I want to do in my life, and so many things I wish to develop and share.
So here are my goals with this website:
- Post twice a month with updates to my life, and write articles about things I find important.
- Continue my efforts with my game development.
- Add a new section for a “webring” to connect my website with other friends and people I admire. (More on this later).
Anyone who is reading this, I just want to thank you again for your time and attention. Creating this website is far more satisfying than social media ever could be.